Wednesday, May 18, 2011

M.I.T. Navajo Student Bruce Webster

In Bruce Webster’s measured appraisal, there can be no level playing field for minorities in a country where “wealth was acquired on the backs of slaves, acquired on deceitful deals made with people that did not understand,…on subsidies provided by the poor.” He scoffs at current attacks on affirmative action in higher education that claim unfair bias on the basis of race. How can marginalized students make it into college when SAT, GRE and LSAT scores can be bought, in the form of expensive test-preparation courses? As a descendant of the Navajo Nation, Webster sees his people the victims of a holocaust: “Nazi Germany had Hitler; the U.S. government had Kit Carson, the U.S. cavalry and the Bureau of Indian Affairs.” Webster dares other students to challenge the “dominant society,” as he himself has, and “get close enough to touch the enemy.”

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