Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Rules of night driving

This was my evening.  Post work Tim and the boys from work went to practice/play soccer and I tagged along and decided to run laps, in part because Tim is my personal chauffeur, so wherever he goes, I go.  And yes, you think, running laps?  That sounds awful!  But when you are in the middle of Africa, with the sweet, burnt aroma of the sugar factory next door, a gorgeous sunset, and the sounds of happy Zulus playing soccer in the background, laps aren't so bad.

After running, I got a chance to take a few action shots:
Another pretty shot of the boys playing soccer as the sun sets

I know they are not spectacular, but they were taken with my iphone at dusk.  Though I did learn how to zoom on my iphone camera by the end of the evening.  Woo!  Oh!  And there's Tim!  In the bottom picture, a little left to middle, running, in the gray shirt drenched with sweat.  Hard to tell, but he's the only white guy out there.  And that's all you get of Tim.  Just a little taste to keep you guessing.  I like how I've created this mystery surrounding him.  Soon enough you will get to meet the man, the myth, the marvel, my roommate, Tim. :)

Being as the sun was set by the time they were done playing (those boys could of played forever! hence why I had time to take pics post run), I got to teach Tim the rules of driving at night in South Africa.
Rule 1. Windows up, doors locked
Rule 2. Never stop.  That means, do not abide by stop signs or stop lights (not that we have any of those in our town).  A good rolling stop is always appreciated, but always keep moving.  Carjackers hang out at stop signs and stop lights knowing these locations make drivers vulnerable, more or less like sitting ducks, and therefore the perfect opportunity to pounce.

It was a very "You know you live in Africa when..." moment. And so we made the ride home, with dim headlights and a new stick driver, down a bumpy dirt road, never coming to a complete stop.  Go team!

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